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Würzburg University Press

Neu erschienen: Angular Schematization in Graph Drawing


Philipp Kindermann | Würzburg, 2016 | ISBN 978-3-95826-020-7 | € 29,80

Paperback, 184 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Erscheinungstermin: 04.03.2016


In the present time, increasing amounts of data becomes available to applications for all kinds. Data that describes relationships between objects is frequently modelled by a graph. For a human being to efficiently process the data, it is of common interest to visualize structural information. The field of graph drawing deals with the visualization of graphs and networks in a way to convey the information quickly and to be aesthetically appealing.
This book deals with angular schematization in graph drawing, that is, computing the layout of a graph under angular restrictions. It considers several different drawing styles and shows how to compute drawings that help the reader to comprehend the underlying data.

Philipp Kindermann, geboren 1987 in Würzburg, Diplom-Informatiker

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